Affordable Home Ownership

There's lots to know about affordable home ownership. The process can be daunting as requirements and eligibility vary by unit. The Housing Resource Center is here to help.

Learn the basics about affordable homeownership, determine eligibility, find local lenders, and explore ownership opportunities along the Wasatch Back.

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Eligibility Requirements

Although requirements vary by unit, some general guidelines apply to affordable home ownership.


Most affordable units have income limits based on area median income (AMI), often less than 80%.

Local Workforce

Most affordable units require at least one owner to be a full-time member of the local workforce.


Without exception, all affordable units must be occupied by the owner as their primary residence.

Other Requirements

Other requirements for affordable units may apply and will vary based on the individual unit.

You Must Secure Your Own Mortgage

These local lenders are well versed in deed restricted and community land trust properties and they have been successful in finding mortgage products for our home buyers.

Price & Resale Restrictions Apply

Resales are Restricted

High prices are the greatest barrier to homeownership locally. To maintain affordability over time, units are initially sold at a price affordable to lower incomes and the resale price is restricted or capped. Typically, resale appreciation may not exceed 3% of the purchase price per year.

For example, the allowed appreciation of a $300,000 home is $9,000/yr ($300,000 X 3%), so if the owner sold the unit after three years of ownership the maximum resale price would be $327,000. In addition, at the time of resale, the purchaser must meet the eligibility requirements included in the deed restriction applicable to the unit.

For Sale Properties

Homeownership Assistance Programs

Mountainlands is proud to offer two homeownership assistance programs, CROWN and Mutual Self-Help. The programs offer unique pathways to homeownership.

  • Investment

    Homeownership assistance programs allow future homeowners to invest in their future home and learn how to be a better homeowner in the process.  

  • Opportunity

    Homeownership assistance programs provide opportunities for homeownership that otherwise would not be available to community members.   


    Credits-to-Own or CROWN is a rent-to-own program that gives tenants the opportunity to purchase their home. These homes must be rented for 15 years in compliance with Utah Housing Corporation and IRS rules.

  • Mutual Self-Help Housing

    Mutual Self-Help Housing sponsored by MCHT and USDA Rural Development makes housing affordable through “sweat equity”. Six to 12 families work together a minimum of 30 hours weekly per family under the guidance of a construction supervisor.

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